
Everything you want to know (and maybe a few things you didn't) about our life as we just try to get through one day at a time with our two boys - Jackson and Will. This is an exciting time for our "Little" family!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jackson's "Stairway to Heaven"

I've got some new Jackson updates. First, I am so proud of him for FINALLY eating some solid food without gagging. He is now munching down on the Gerber Graduates puffs and I think he actually enjoys it. Whew, hopefully this means we are past that stage and can get on to eating favorites like Mac N' Cheese, potatoes, chicken fingers, etc. I also believe this means dinner time will start getting messier so I'm trying to prepare myself for that, but I'm just hoping the dogs are reading for some major clean up duty!
Second, Jackson is finally saying "bye bye" and understanding what it means. So, hopefully we'll have a chance to show off his skills to some of our visitors coming this month when their trips are over. Now, I'm working on getting him to wave "bye bye" but that's not coming as quickly.
Finally, I'm posting some pictures of Jackson and his "stairway to heaven." When mom was here, we let Jackson loose on the stairs to see just how far he could go. Well, in less than a minute he was up those stairs and never looked back. Now that he has a taste for the fun, he can't stay off of them. Hence the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs. He does NOT like this obstacle blocking his path to the top, and boy does he like to get to the top. He will climb those stairs, which make three turns and starts screaming when he reaches the top landing. One day I'm expecting him to jump around with his hands in the air like Rocky Balboa after making the climb (hear now in your head the "dunna dun dunna dun" Rocky theme song). So Mom says it's fitting that I have a little daredevil on my hands; one that loves heights just like his mommy did as a child. For now, I'm just hoping he's satisfied with the stairs and doesn't start climbing on cars like I did.
Yesterday Jackson was exactly ten months old (on his Aunt Macie's 29th birthday). I can't believe how fast he's becoming a big "little" boy. Does time always go this fast with children?
I'm attaching a picture of the Little family - Jackson, David, his dad and great-grandmother make four generations. I know this will be a picture to cherish for years. He is ten months old and his great-grandmother is in her nineties, how amazing...

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