
Everything you want to know (and maybe a few things you didn't) about our life as we just try to get through one day at a time with our two boys - Jackson and Will. This is an exciting time for our "Little" family!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday MiMi! Not bad for 53 (sorry Mom)!!

We dedicate today's blog to Mimi who is celebrating her birthday today - We love you!

This morning we hosted our playgroup's weekly playdate at our house for the first time. Whew - 7 kids and 5 adults and not nearly enough toys to go around. I can't imagine how "Octomom" does it; oh, wait, she doesn't! If I had around the clock nannies offering their help for free, I don't think I would complain that their bossy attorney was at my house barking orders. But, I guess I am pretty used to dealing with bossy attorneys! Anyway, it was very fast and furious with kids going everywhere and the dogs staring longlingly from the other side of the babygate. You know those two think they're people so how dare we exclude them from the group!? Jackson slept through the first 30 minutes or so but once he joined the group he got excited that all these people were here to see him. I did take a few pictures from the affair (posted above). The kids all range in age anywhere from 4 months to 2 years. So, needless to say, it's always exciting. Jackson was especially disturbed that his puppies were behind the gate and then proceeded to get a little jealous when I finally let the dogs out and they ran to play with the other kids. We're still working on that sharing thing but it's pretty tough when he's the only child. We're also working on him not being so rough. I told him that girls don't like it when you pull their hair, but boys just don't get it! Molly, the sweet little girl in our group with curly hair, is just too much for Jackson to resist. He can't keep his hands off that hair and he pulls hard (I know this because he pulls my hair constantly).

On a different note, I'm sitting here watching him chew on everything he can get his hands on and wondering how long I can let his hair grow before it starts looking like a mullet. The back is getting pretty long and the front doesn't want to catch up. I just can't bring myself to cut it though. Oh well, maybe mullets will come back in style soon??

Happy Thursday to you all and check back tomorrow for pictures and updates on the house. It's coming along so nicely!!

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