And with each day, I get further and further away from my last blog posting. It's been on my "to do" list for weeks but something always comes up when I try to sit down to type. Excuses can only get me so far so I'm forcing myself to sit down at the computer before anyone wakes up this morning to finally make a post. So much has happened since the last post on March 2nd; I'll do a little recap.
We went home to Louisiana on March 13th - it was wonderful to spend time with family and friends. Jackson had the best time playing with his cousins. His favorite activity the entire week was mud riding with Kolby. He was in pure heaven on the back of that four-wheeler! My two little guys are country boys at heart, I learned that very quickly. The week flew by and when the time arrived to head back to Texas, Jackson was so deflated. For the first time in 3 1/2 years he did not want to go home. As we lifted off the runway that Saturday, he could see the marshes below and began crying huge crocodile tears. He was going to miss his family; and to tell the truth I was too. It was one of the best trips we had ever had...
Well, once back in our neck of the woods, our schedule was packed with activities. We had a Trophy Club family camp out at Trophy Club park where Jackson learned to fish. He was a natural (according to his daddy). We didn't actually spend the night but it was a great trial run for all of us and we got to meet some very nice people. That next week brought lots of rain but that didn't slow us down - school was in full swing for Jackson and they had lots of fun activities including a tricycle speedway and train rides around the parking lot. I had a blast watching him have a blast!
This past week Bailey and Olivia have been in town visiting. Jackson quickly became attached and now calls them his sisters - if you try to correct him, it won't get you very far. He has told everyone who will listen all about his sisters. This, obviously, has gotten me a lot of inquiries into our "new daughters"? So, Grandma and I took the new sisters, Jackson and William to the zoo and it was exhausting fun (those are usually the best times, though, right?). William's favorite animal was the rooster in the petting zoo. The rooster crowed at him through the fence and he tried to climb through it just to get to it. Jackson loved feeding the giraffes and the penguins, but his favorite thing was the train ride . Go figure!
William has made amazing strides over the last month in his development. I can't remember everything (unfortunately) because he says at least two new words a day and does something new almost as often. Here are some of the highlights:
New Words - "zoo, boo, Gertie, uh oh, NO!, ouch, shoes, socks, I want that, I want juice, Jack, choo choo, Good Night, etc."
New Activities - He will show you his tummy when you ask by lifting up his shirt. He will bring you his shoes. When he wants a new diaper, he'll grab at his or bring you a new one. He can stack four blocks. He plays a mean game of hide and seek with his brother. He gives me "mama kisses" with an open mouth! He climbs up on the bed when Jackson is asleep and pulls the covers off to wake him up. Makes fun noises with the matchbox cars (imaginative play at work!).
This next week will be busy with Easter activities and Mimi and PawPaw will be here for a visit. It's always a busy, fun, blessed time here at our house! Happy Easter everyone... and stay tuned for pictures of the boys in their Easter wear; I promise they will be very handsome.