Okay, it's not actually new, but I haven't written on our blog in so long that it should be new! My new year's resolution is to begin (again) recording the wonderful things happening in our Little lives. Now that Jackson is in school 2 days a week (and every other Friday), I should have no excuse, Right?! A dear friend, and Godmother to Jackson, recently told me how much she misses these and made me feel terrible for not keeping it up after Will joined our Little family. Well, the guilt trip worked!
So, I'll just jump right in... William is now 1 (14 months to be exact). He began walking in October before his 1st birthday. That child can motor! He mastered going up and down the stairs very quickly. It was his mission to keep up with Jackson. Now, he has mastered the ladder and slide on our backyard playhouse. He uses his knees to boost himself up the ladder, turns himself around at the top of the slide and speeds down on his tummy. If I'm not there to catch him, he skids across the yard, cries then gets back up to do it all over again. This usually goes on until I force him to come inside and that is not met with much happiness. He can't get enough of the outdoors. He says a few words like daddy, bubba, woof woof, mama, and recently AAAhhh-choo has become his favorite thing to say (and accompanies it with much fanfare). He eats like he's on a mission and doesn't turn much away. He can put away a gallon of juice and milk in a day and is going to be a tough little guy. I adore him... he is definitely mommy's little love bug.
Jackson, on the other hand, is my challenge and joy all in one. As I say, William is my heart and Jackson is my best-friend. I can't live without him but he drives me crazy! He is 3 1/2 and all boy. He is very social, loves going to school, and is very conversational. He asked me to make him "nice and comfortable" in the bed before turning out the light. Did I mention he's demanding?? He never gets tired, hasn't taken a nap in months and has more energy than I've ever had in my life... And, he still doesn't eat much! That kid is a walking science experiment; I simply don't know where he gets his fuel for life. His favorite thing right now is dinosaur but he still loves Thomas the Train and Cars. He's very inquisitive and asks way too many questions for me to answer. His best friend is Lillian, his best buddy is Hayden and his school buddies are Carson and Owen. I'm not sure where his little brother fits into that friend hierarchy but I do know that William adores his big brother.
So, to our adoring blog fans... may this entry appease your need for everything "Little", may your return for more, and may I keep my promise and resolution to renew this blog. Keep your fingers crossed and "say a little prayer."
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