(Jackson lovingly (yeah right!) grabbing William's face as he always does to make a point!)
Well, first, I must document my deep sadness for the loss of our BCS Bowl Championship Trophy. Really, LSU... You let Bama roll over you with a shut out? Ahh, now we must listen to the chatter about who is really #1 in college football, who should've played in the championship. yada yada yada. This has nothing to do with our boys but I had to find an outlet for my ranting and since I've got sole authorship over this blog, well, I make the rules!
I'll be leaving for NYC on Saturday for a girls' weekend (thank you Jeanne Buck:) so I've been working to prep all three of my boys for my absence. I know it's only three days but that feels like a lifetime away when you're home all day every week with your kids. My wonderful husband says this is all the more reason for me to get time away. I just say it's like taking away my food and water (and wine) - I need those things to survive just like I need my boys to survive. Jackson has said he wants to go with me and see the parade - he remembers the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from TV months ago. That kid has a memory like an elephant. He remembers the smallest things for months, especially when it lacks significance. I think he has a photographic memory like me. I can remember words to songs I've heard once but I can't remember my parents' birthdays. Anyway, NYC here I come; I wish David good luck and God Speed for those few days. He's going to be exhausted come Monday.
Jackson, in his beautiful little mind, has come up with a new hide and seek game that both he and William love. He basically hides in the same three spots (under the bed covers, under my chaise lounge, and in the bathroom closet), calls out Williams name and jumps out when William finds him. They both laugh, then Jack tells William "it's my turn to hide again." William never gets a turn to hide and he's okay with that. I enjoy watching them play this game over and over. William can't get enough of his brother's attention so he's on cloud nine. Jackson just loves having someone "find" him but that's okay with William. I pray every day they remain (and possibly become even better) best friends.
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