*The above pictures were taken last night in our kitchen while I attempted to make dinner - I wanted to capture what I deal with when trying to cook dinner every night (okay, most nights). Jackson loves cooking pizzas - this usually involves him eating the dough, sauce, pepperoni and cheese before he even puts it in the oven. Once its cooked, he's no longer interested in eating it. William pulls everything out of all my cabinets. He loves to wear my strainers as hats. Stylish I must say!*
Sometime this week, I had my usual wrestling match (figuratively, not literally) with Jackson over something I wanted him to do and he didn't. In his usual 3-year-old way, he asked me why. I pulled out the old standby, "because I'm the boss and I say so." Since then, he's been relentless with this boss issue. He asks me questions like, "why are you the boss?", "are all mommies the boss?", "are you the boss of daddy?" - so on and so forth. Well, when I went to pick him up from school yesterday his teacher asked me about this boss issue. Apparently, Jackson told her he wanted to be the boss of something just like mommy is the boss of him, William and daddy. Ms. Tammy, his teacher, thought this was hilarious. She told him he could be the boss of the chairs - he had to pick them up at the end of the school day. He wasn't excited about that job, but just to be the boss of something, he did it anyway! He is something else!
The five of us- Maggie, Gertie, William and Jackson- went to the dog park yesterday. I could see the look of pity in people's eyes as they watched me unload these "things I'm the boss of" out of the car. I'm sure they were wondering if I was ever going to stop taking things out of my car. Anyway, Jackson holds the leash while the dogs pull as hard as they can against them, William takes off toward the park like he's a dog ready to be set free as well, and I run behind yelling commands at all four to wait. So, once in there, Jackson started to play pretend airplane with the tunnel used for dog agility training. He asked me and William to join him as his passengers. We climbed in and he announced we were flying high in the sky headed to Lake Charles! He's super excited about our trip home in a week and a half and I have to admit, I'm pretty excited too.
William continues to amaze me everyday - he understands and responds so well to us. He's begun saying "sure" and shaking his head yes. He also answers "yeah." He still loves to eat and I actually had to wrestle a milk shake away from him today at Mc Donald's - one sip and he was obsessed. His hair has gotten so long that he actually looks like a girl. I guess it's time for a cut but I'm so hesitant to check off yet another milestone. David said he didn't mind me waiting to cut it but William wouldn't like it when the other kids laugh when he starts kindergarten with a mullet. So, we may make a trip to the haircut place soon... I want to cry just thinking about it. Guess you can't keep them babies forever (if you discover a way, please let me know ASAP).
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