Yes, this tired mama got to spend a weekend in NYC with some other fun ladies. That meant, of course, that Daddy got to take over all the duties for 3 days. It appears the boys had a blast hanging together and had their own "Staycation" - eating out every meal (see evidence above of William enjoying ranch dip for the first time at Central Market), spending hours at the park, mornings lounging in their PJs and watching cartoons, visiting Grandma, riding bikes and wrestling with daddy. At least they were happy... Daddy's to do list was never touched, but I never expected it to be. I had fun, they had fun, so everybody won, right?
So, I've decided to start a weekly "fun things my boys say" portion of the blog, because, honestly they say the darndest things and I want to remember them forever. And, like I said previously, I write this thing so I'm in charge!
So, William is now saying "juice" and even points to the cabinet where I keep the juice cups. Smart little guy! He can never get enough juice so I'm actually relieved he can now tell me that's why he's screaming at me rather than waste time trying a hundred other things first.
On our way to Discovery Day this morning, Jackson and I were discussing how much I would miss him while he was at school. I began to cry because 1) I'm emotional 2) I cry about everything and 3) I'm scared how quickly the time passes and next year he'll be starting kindergarten. When I told him this, he reassured me that he "can't wait to go to Kindergarten." I asked him why this was and he told me, "because when I go to kindergarten, I'll be all grown up like daddy"! I didn't know whether to laugh or continue to cry so I did both.
Because I feel so blessed for my life, I'm gonna end with a short prayer - one that I hope you'll say for me after reading this.
"God, please slow things down a little so I can enjoy this moment, help me to remember to say thanks every day for my beautiful children, loving husband and blessed life, and Lord, please keep my babies mama's little boys forever. :)"
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