Mimi and Jackson playing trains during her visit... We loved having her!
To all you love birds, I wish you a wonderful valentine's day. If you're old and married like me (these terms are relative so let me feel old), you probably just want a nice meal cooked for you without the hassle of putting on fancy clothes, makeup, perfume and fighting the crowds of blissfully happy unmarried couples who are way too excited it's Valentine's Day. So, I'm putting this note in here in the hopes that my boys will take notice - mommy wants a tasty dinner (take-out is just fine), no dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed, and a long hot bubble bath with a smutty celebrity gossip magazine. That's not too much to ask, right?!
In a tribute to Valentine's Day, I want to write about some of the wonderful things I LOVE about my boys:
The smell of William's hair after a bath. Jackson's laugh, especially when he's not faking it. When my husband nuzzles my neck in the morning after he's gotten up early with the boys so I can sleep in. The boys wrestling with each other - before it becomes too rough, which it always does after about 30 seconds. When Jackson holds my hand. William's tongue kisses - he doesn't understand that you kiss with your lips and not your entire tongue. Reading a book, any book, to them and watching their little faces as they get lost in the story or pictures. Rocking William - which I still do for every naptime and bedtime - and singing "You Are My Sunshine" to him. Snuggling with Jackson in my bed at night; especially when he puts his head on my chest and falls asleep. Smelling David's cologne on me and in the house after he's left in the morning. Bike rides with William on the bike seat of my bicycle and Jackson riding on Daddy's bike - this image will always remind me of Sunday afternoons. Seeing both boys light up when David walks through the door after work in the evenings; and watching their Daddy's face as they jump in his arms. When they say "Mommy" in the sweet, little, innocent voice of a child...
Finally, some quick updates:
William is working on two new words this week. He will point to the sky and say "up!" He has also mastered "uh oh" when he drops something (usually his sippee cup or his pacifier). His hair is getting longer and lighter, and I just love it! He has also developed an obsession with lip balm (an eos mint balm to be exact). He will thrown things, hit things, scream and hold his breath until someone opens it for him. When we open it, he proceeds to attempt putting it on his lips but ends up licking it. Nice, I know... I'm hoping to get a video posted of this little tantrum over mint lip balm - it's hilarious!
Jackson signed his name to a picture from school his week and the J was almost legible. I knew exactly what it was, but that takes some talent and experience in preschool handwriting. We're working hard on learning the letters to his name!
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