My Little Texan! William was trying on Daddy's cowboy hat as he watched daddy rip out the closet fixtures...
This post is a little early in the week but I knew things would get busy when the Queen arrives in DFW on Thursday. I do not mean Queen Elizabeth... no, no, it's the other Queen - Queen Ramona! However, despite being early in the week, I do have lots of fun things to report so I promise you will not be disappointed. Let me begin with Saturday...
Mommy has an all-day meeting at church so the boys will be hanging with daddy (or as he likes to call it, Boys Day or babysitting). Why is it that when dads keep their children, it is called babysitting but when mommies are the watching them, it is simply the usual... I digress. So, they were having boys day when I arrived home around 3p and noticed David in the garage working diligently on our new closet renovation. What's wrong with that, you ask? Well, that's fine and dandy, but "where are the children?" Not to worry, he has been "watching them through the open door"! ha, ha, ha. Anyone who knows William will understand the humor in this. So, as I enter the living room that looks like a tornado has gone straight through it, I notice both boys still in their PJs and William is covered in peanut butter head to toe. After a long day of an intense meeting, this is not the peaceful serene environment I was hoping to find. Thankfully, my aunt Bonnie showed up an hour later to give me a hand. This also allowed me an hour to go to the nail place nearby and have a pedicure and waxing (that ended with half of my upper lip being removed by the hot wax). I'm considering electrolysis at this point. That, and a nanny...
Daddy wakes up with a terrible back pain and cannot move. Jackson is bothered by his daddy hurting so badly that he checks him over and offers him medicine and a bandaid. This should do the trick! (Actually, daddy was still in pain hours later but don't tell Dr. Jackson). I continue to have high hopes that Jackson will excel at math and science and become a well-known doctor. However, if he continues to have the short attention span he currently employs, this dream may transition to Jackson being a star tennis player (this is my other dream for him). William, on the other hand, seems to be the daredevil so I currently imagine him being a firefighter or race car driver. This will be difficult though because both boys have promised me they are never growing up...
Jackson decides that he is going to be very nice to his brother and this will, hopefully, result in William treating Jackson's toys in a way that pleases his big brother (which includes "no bashing", only playing with the ones given to him by said big brother, and watching jackson is awe as he puts on "scenarios" to act out his favorite movies or tv shows). It works - for a few minutes! I will say that last night while taking their nightly bath, Jackson laid his head on William's shoulder and they hugged for a while. I, in turn, laid my head on their daddy and cried my eyes out.
This is today's prayer: Lord, please help my boys understand that their brother is with them through thick and thin. They will never have another brother. Help them to treat each other with love, respect and kindness. I pray they will always be the best of friends. Amen.
*As an aside, I am working on writing a piece about my roles as a mom. I've decided that I only spend about 5% of my time doing actual mom duties and the other 95% doing things I never realized I would do. I can only hope that my bosses will give me some time off from those duties to actually write about them... I've always wanted to write and I hope this will give me that outlet (beyond updating this fabulous blog!).