This week, our friends from big B.R. (Baton Rouge), Melissa and Maddie, visited us here for the first time since we moved. It was wonderful to see them and Jackson became fast friends with Maddie even though there is almost a year's difference in their age. The kids had a blast, especially when we let them loose in the backyard and we enjoyed our time visiting while they were distracted. We even took them for a day of shopping at my favorite place - Northpark Mall. The kids had no desire to shop but, luckily, we entertained them with the different stops around the mall, including the duck pond where they slid down the wall slide (pic above). It was a short visit - way too short! - but we know they'll be back soon. Besides, Jackson might marry Maddie one day so we want to make sure they get to know each other!
Mother's Day Out is going great and Jackson now looks forward to it. There are no tears when we drop him off but he is still very happy when we pick him up. He knows school is at church and gets excited to go; he loves to tell us about all he does there. I believe his favorite activity is going outside to play on the playground, but that doesn't really surprise me. He's all boy... This week he made an apple hat and painted a picture that included all his "preschool friends" names. It's fun to put these things away and save them all the while knowing we will drag these out many times when he gets older. I still have some of my preschool/kindergarten keepsakes that my mother boxed up for me.
Everytime I log onto this blog, I see the baby ticker which is a very bold reminder of just how many days I have until Will makes his arrival. And, if we induce, that number is reduced by 7 days. That means I have less than 50 days... wow, it's just so hard to imagine. I know it will be here before we know it. Luckily, Will's crib is set up and ready to go so that makes me feel much better.
Jackson is with MawMaw today at Bob Jones Nature Center learning all about Creepy Crawlies so I need to go pick up the house, do laundry, etc. I must maximize this alone time, so until the next blog... take care and we send our love!
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