David, being such a proud papa, took this photo of Jackson driving his golf cart down the sidewalk in front of our house. In his words, "Jack playing the "front 9"... He loves the golf cart now that he understands how to drive it better. His dad taught him some golf cart etiquette..."
Jackson is doing great in his new big boy bed and seems to be sleeping more comfortably at night. Our only "speed bump" is that he now wants his daddy to sleep with him every night. David has fallen asleep with him on a number of occasions and Jackson's is spoiled to it (go figure!).
We had a family "date night" to see Nickelodeon Live this past Sunday evening then a romantic pizza dinner at Coal Vines and finally, frozen yogurt. It was the best evening spent with my three favorite boys (Will was in attendance as well and let us know it with his swift kicks). I've posted a picture from Jackson at the show. His favorite segment of the show was definitely "Dora the Explorer" but he was mesmerized by all the activity on stage. A few times I had to watch closely to make sure he blinked!
On this past Wednesday we had the Open House at Jackson's preschool. He stayed in the classroom for about 20 minutes without me and cried the entire time. He seemed to be the most upset of all the kids. It was hard on him (and us!) but we know that with time, he will grow to love school and look forward to us dropping him off - or at least that's what we're hoping. Stay tuned for an update this coming week on his first day of school, Wednesday Sept. 8th. He'll be on his own, well without mommy or daddy, for an entire 6 hours. Can he make it? Will he crack? Will Mommy crack? (Using a television announcer's voice) Tune in this Wednesday to see if Jackson gets voted off the "preschool island".
And, drum roll please..... For your viewing pleasure - I have posted the pictures of my belly at exactly 30 weeks and Will's latest portrait session. We had our second ultrasound on Wednesday of this week and got a great report. Will is healthy, strong, and very beautiful. Everything measures right on track, except his legs and arms, of course, which are measuring long. He weighs about 3lbs 40z (3lbs is the average at this time) and is in the head down position. The sonographer was so sweet and gave us "complimentary" 3D/4D pictures of the little man. She couldn't resist - he was in the perfect position and had given us some great profile shots. We all agreed he is already a beautiful little boy - just look at those lips! We see a lot of similarities to Jackson but his face appears more rounded than Jackson's long face. I imagine him with dark hair, dark skin and beautiful blue or green eyes. I know it's a long shot but it's fun to imagine nonetheless.
At this point, we are considering a November 1st or 2nd induction date but will know by the middle of October if we will go forward with the early induction. If Will's weight is normal and he is healthy, Dr. Neal (and we) feels it is best to take him a little early to avoid any unnecessary complications of a big baby. Though, only time will tell - God may have other plans. We do know that he is healthy and my pregnancy couldn't be going any better and we are thankful for that!
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