One word - fear! All it took was for me to be in a labor and delivery (aka birthing) room again in the hospital for all the memories to come flooding back. What about that pregnancy amnesia? Don't listen to the people who say that really happens because it's a hoax and is probably made up by a man who wants to forget the experience himself. So, we took a tour of Baylor hospital yesterday as a family and checked out where we'll be spending a few days in November. They had just delivered a baby and had it in the nursery for a check when we were passing. Jackson couldn't get enough of that sight and he, along with his daddy, had their noses pressed against the glass watching the action. Jackson was very, very concerned about the crying baby. David says he was upset because we walked away and he wanted to watch the baby more, but he kept saying "baby crying..." so I think that worried him. He then proceeded to fall asleep in his daddy's arms so having him "experience" the hospital visit didn't go as planned. Oh well - at least we know he can nap at the hospital despite all the "action." The rooms are spacious and nice but we will be requesting a room with a couch and a chair (I also give this advice to other new mommies out there - ask the nurses for a room with a couch after you deliver so the hubby can have a place to lay and won't be in a chair for three days). Everyone seemed very nice though I did have a little push back when I asked if the nursery would take the baby for a few hours while we rested. Apparently, they don't encourage this and I will probably be thought of as a terrible mother if I do so. Luckily I learned a few things the first time around and one of them is to get as much rest as possible and the second is to not worry what other people think of my "mothering" tactics. I will be asking the nurse to take him a few times, sorry!
I also wanted to let everyone know that the hospital posts the babies' pictures online with their birth information. I checked it out yesterday and it is very cool. You will need to go to the Baylor website - http://www.baylorhealth.com/ - and scroll to the bottom of the page for the link - Find a Baylor Baby. Click on this link, look for Baylor Grapevine, put in the date of birth and the information will pop up under a link with the baby's first name and last initial. So, for all the brainiacs that will be William L.
I have less than forty days until my inducement date, my back aches and my stomach feels hard as a rock. My feet are swelling and I don't sleep well. Everything gives me indigestion and I'm always tired. I want to nest and get the nursery ready but who has the energy. I fall asleep on the couch when Jack asks me to sit with him, he had to tell me to get up yesterday... Whose body has taken over mine?? Ahh, pregnancy - what a beautiful thing!
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