I can't believe its been such a long time since my last posting - I'm usually pretty good about staying on top of it. But, life, and Jackson, just hasn't slowed down very much, especially since summer is officially here! We have been outside most every day either walking, going to the park, working in the yard, swimming at the pool, strolling at Town Square, eating in the outside courtyard at Central Market...
Last weekend, Jackson got a visit from his Nana and Poppa Bush. We had a great time catching up and even though it was a short time, it was filled with many great moments. It was heartbreaking when they left because Jackson had grown so comfortable with them in such a short time - but this is something we'll have to deal with living so far from some of our family.
On Saturday, we spent more time at the pool with Jackson's buddies - Jackson and Kat (aka the Twins) and they all enjoyed splashing around. The kiddos especially like the water bubbles in the concrete by the pool (see picture). Jackson also likes for us to take him in the big pool and bounce him up and down in the water - he just laughs and laughs! He's also good about kicking his feet and going back and forth between us - with our constant supervision, of course. Although he still doesn't like getting his face wet, he's like a little fish and would stay in the pool all day if he could. In fact, he even started to fall asleep in David's arms in the pool on Saturday!
Wow! You all have been busy...can't wait to see what else you do this summer.