It's obvious from the latest pictures of Jackson that the weather is getting warmer. He loves to walk around in his diaper and would prefer to be naked if we let him! He helped his daddy put together his new "cadillac" jogging stroller - it's nice and plush! We've been exercising almost everyday so I decided it was time to get a stroller more conducive to this active lifestyle. Plus, Jackson loves that he can sit up high and prop his feet up on the foot rest. We've also been working in the yard; I'm trying to do potted plants so we can take them with us when we move. So, Jackson and daddy strolled around in the buggy while I picked out things (see picture above). We've also been playing with the twins since they (finally) returned home on Mother's Day. We were so glad - we were getting kind of bored with no one to hang out with during the week. We all went to the zoo yesterday since the weather was so gorgeous. This is the first picture above - Jackson enjoyed playing around the trees at the picnic area. Though we quickly figured out that May is not the best time to go - it was filled with tons of school field trippers (and very few chaperones to control them). This weekend the pool opens in Trophy Club - we can't wait to try out the toddler area!
Jackson also loves to pull folded clothes out of the basket (as I've mentioned before) but he has now taken to actually crawling in the basket and playing. His daddy them pushed him around in the basket like a bumper car. They both had a blast...
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