On Friday of last week, Jackson's little sniffles turned into a faucet of yellowy mucus. So, I waited and watched all weekend and after he did not get better AND started pulling at his ears, we headed straight to the doctor this morning. We love Dr. Hunt - she takes good care of Jackson and is so gentle with him. It's funny to watch him with her because he becomes somewhat entranced while she makes these little humming noises to him and distracts him. I'm wondering if this is a class they teach in med school for pediatricians? "How to hypnotize crying babies 101" Anyway, she gave us some antibiotics and ear drops for the pain and sent us on our way. Now that my little man is resting comfortably; I can take a breath to catch up and log on (to the internet that is). In a few days, he should return to normal. Well, about as normal as a 13 month old boy can be...
Status update on the little man: Jackson now weighs 18lbs, 4oz - what can I say, my little heavyweight! He's eating great and has discovered he really loves strawberries (oh, and his Uncle Brian's cherry kool-aid) but just doesn't seem to want to add any fat on his bones. He's moving even quicker and can just about keep up with the dogs except when they get whipped up into a frenzy over a squirrel; then he just looks at them like they're nuts (which they are). His hair gets more blonde as we spend more time outside. I load him up with sunscreen but he's still getting a little brown tan (but, luckily, no burns!). So he looks like this little surfer dude/beach bum. He likes to wave at the airplanes when they fly overhead heading to the DFW airport and has developed a MAJOR fascination with my makeup brushes. He knows the cabinet I keep them in and will head up the stairs by himself, straight to the bathroom, open the cabinet door, dump out all of my makeup on the floor and pull every single brush out of the bag, then walk around with them. His daddy insists he will be a painter one day which would be wonderful - I would absolutely love to have a little Monet!! He still loves swimming and is now holding on to little noodles and kicking his feet. I'll strip him down naked after we get out of Aunt Debbie and Uncle Brian's pool, not the community pool - we don't want to get blacklisted this early - and he'll strut around in the buff. We got some great pictures of his tiny little naked behind pruning the flowers on her patio after I took off his wet bathing suit. It was a sight to see (a little one, but very funny)!
So many of you have also kept up with Mr. Roy's progress through us and I wanted to give this update. On Saturday, Mr. Roy had to go to the emergency room for some complications from his latest round of chemo. He is now in ICU with pneumonia but showing signs of improvement. We pray everyday for him and I know our family and friends are also sending up prayers for him. This has been rough on him but we know he's a tough old guy and will get through this like he has so many other things. He is scheduled to go for a cat scan this Friday to see if the cancer is still isolated to his pelvic bone. We also pray that this scan goes well. My mother reminded me yesterday that he can come through this like others have before him, and I believe that if anyone is capable of beating cancer, it's PawPaw Roy!
Finally, we'll be leaving this Friday to head home to Sulphur for 8 days. We can't wait to see everyone! We will then be going to Florida for an additional 7 days. So, this blogger may be taking an extended hiatus but promise to do my best to give little updates while we're gone...
Mommy needs a vacation (and a relaxing beach)!!
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