
Everything you want to know (and maybe a few things you didn't) about our life as we just try to get through one day at a time with our two boys - Jackson and Will. This is an exciting time for our "Little" family!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 days until Christmas!

Wow, this month has flown by! I knew it would, so who am I kidding... Once we returned home from Louisiana, we have been incredibly busy and very preoccupied with the housebuilding. The hardest part of beginning a blog posting after being absent so long is deciding where to begin. So, let's go back to the beginning of the month. Our house had really made progress while we were gone and we were able to see a closer resemblence to the final product than ever before. The walls were painted, the cabinets were stained and the yard had been grated after they poured driveway and sidewalk. Since then, they have put in the granite countertops, all the fixtures (including fans, lights, switches, etc.), the kitchen backsplash and begun the tile work. We're hoping that the next few weeks will be really productive and we'll be in some time at the beginning of the month of January. Uncle Lee came to visit us last week for his 30th birthday and we had a great time with him. Though the trip was extra short, we still were grateful for the time to hang with him. Mommy even got a night out while Daddy took care of Jack! Woohoo! We've done our best to experience a lot of fun Christmas activities including the tree trimming and present wrapping (Jackson loves to rip the paper and stomp on the boxes). We also had our playgroup Christmas cookie swap last week which was a blast and this week we'll be having the Christmas party book exchange.

Over this past weekend, we took Jackson to the Northpark Mall (one of my favorite places in Dallas) to see Santa and the Christmas trains. To our dismay, the wait for Santa was 8 hours (and we got there at 10:30am) so we decided to visit the Santa at Town Square instead which was only a 45 minute wait when we got there on Sunday (early again!). This Santa Claus picture thing has become quite the money-making scheme these days. I was shocked to say the least... Not only is it expensive, but you have to wait longer for pictures than you do to ride Space Mountain at Disney World. I guess it is just another joy of parenthood... And, despite watching Santa take pictures with other kids for almost an hour, Jackson still screamed his head off when it was our turn to sit on his lap. We attempted a family picture to calm him down but that didn't help much. In our cute picture, he's attempting to crawl down as fast as he can while Mommy has an iron grip on him holding him in place (as much as possible). Oh well, it makes for a good story...

I'll end here and save more stories for the next posting (this will encourage me to post again soon). As far as updates on Jackson, he is growing up too fast (but doesn't every mommy sa that about their babies). He still jabbers away and I understand about 25% of what he's saying. He is really big into playing with cars right now and will be getting a train set from Santa for Christmas. He loves chasing his doggies and loving on them when they stay still for him. His new favorite book is "Hurry, Hurry" and he has an infatuation with the Elf on the Shelf doll and I"m not sure why. His hair has gotten pretty long, as you can see from the pictures, but his daddy doesn't want me to cut it and I really don't want to either. It's just so beautiful!

We hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season. The lesson we taught to our Sunday School class this week was about the angels telling the shepherds the good news of Jesus' Birth so in that spirit, we are thankful for the first Christmas present - Jesus!

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