Emma, Katherine, Jack Jack and Jackson
Trick or Treating through the bible - each room was a different character they would learn about before getting their goodies.
Yesterday was the annual "Trick or Treat through the Bible" and "Trunk or Treat" at our church so it was our first time to try out Jackson's new costume. It is great - he's the cutest little cowboy in Texas (or the country for that matter!). He's actually supposed to be Woody from "Toy Story" but some people may not get that unless you are a big fan like we are. He had a great time, especially once he got the hang of it and realized they were putting CANDY in his bag. He loved being there with his good buddies - Jackson and Katherine, Emma, Grant and Bennett. Have I mentioned before how much fun this age is?!? We had a great time watching him have so much fun. I guess he was just so young last year that none of it made much sense to him, but he really gets the idea this year and loves it! Next weekend will be his second try and I know he'll be an old pro by then (I'm going to work on teaching him to get all the good chocolate candy instead of smarties)... P.S. thanks to MawMaw for making the perfect little vest for him.
Uncle Lee visited us this past week - hence the lack of blog postings for over a week. We stayed very busy and I enjoyed my last "hurrah" before I'll be down for a month or more. We shopped, lunched, visited with friends, and saw "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" at Casa Manana. Our week was so full of activity that I'm going to need to rest all week to recover but it was definitely worth it. I always have so much fun with him. Jackson also became quickly attached to Uncle Lee and wanted him to carry him places, play with him, read books to him, etc. Now that I have one more week to go, I've begun my nesting in full force...
And, that leads me to the latest Baby Will update. We had our doctor's appointment on Thursday of last week which included an ultrasound to get an idea of Will's size. It appears he was about 6lbs at the time. I had a large "growth spurt" and gained 4lbs over that previous week. It is definitely due to his growing rapidly and my retaining water (which goes right to my feet!). There has been no advancement toward my dilation so we've scheduled a C-Section for Nov. 1st; this will put him at about 7lbs by then. If Will decides to come before that date, we'll try to deliver him. It's all very complicated, and so hard to figure out - everyone is making their "best guess" of his size at this point to avoid unnecessary complications with the delivery. I wish we could know for sure but I do know that I want to do what is best for myself and, especially, Will. I would hate to have a difficult labor (especially if we induce) only to end up with a C-Section which seems likely anyway. We just pray everyday for God's guidance and have complete trust that the right thing will happen. Dr. Neal has been great about giving us the facts and allowing us to make a decision based on them, so we also have complete trust in him.
I did not get a chance to post a blog about our visit to Green Meadows Farm last weekend but will do that this week. The pictures turned out great - Jackson and Megan had a blast with all the animals on the farm. Jackson especially loved the 1 week old baby goats and the baby ducks. More on that to come...
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