We had a great time at the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch last Friday. Jackson's playgroup met there that morning and we were the last to leave. I'm not quite sure how this crazy mother, nine months pregnant and waddling, allowed my lovely son to keep me there so long but I'm beginning to believe he is taking advantage of this guilt I feel that he will no longer be "an only". Toddlers are very perceptive - trust me - and mine has me all figured out! Regardless, he was having so much fun that we stayed for over three hours and enjoyed the hay ride, bounce houses, pumpkin pictures, farm animals, wooden cutouts, and so on. When we finally left, I wasn't sure if my feet could carry me (and Jackson, who was so tired that he was insisting to be carried at this point) to the car. We made it without major incident and brought our tired selves home. The rest of the weekend was a blur as we held our semi-annual garage sale,along with many of our neighbors in Trophy Club. We made enough money to buy ourselves some trees. Yes, you read that correctly, we bought trees with our profits and they are beautiful. Only one has been planted in the backyard - the magnolia is right outside my bedroom window- so David has three more autumn blaze red maples to plant but even in pots they look great in our backyard. It's wonderful to imagine watching these trees grow in tandem with our boys (to also know we planted these right at Will's birth is special). Maybe we'll put notches on the trees for each year at the boys' heights...
Jackson is doing very well at school; he no longer cries or whines when I leave him and seems really excited to start his day there. They usually begin with painting/coloring so he's right in the middle of it as I leave him. He's acutely aware of my growing belly and even talks about Baby Will coming out and playing trains with him. We haven't broken the news to him that Baby Will won't be much fun for a few months (or 6 or 10). He has been holding dolls and practicing giving them a bottle which is fun to watch; he got frustrated on one occasion put the baby on the ground, sat on it and tried to force the bottle in its mouth. This is hopefully a behavior we won't repeat with the actual baby!
We had our checkup with Dr. Neal yesterday to see if we've made any progress towards delivering Will. In one word - nothing (nada, nope, no way)... This boy is head down, really low and not going anywhere. He's measuring above average - I should have measured 36 cm and measured at 37 cm already. This is of concern because we're all aware that any baby much bigger than Jackson will likely be undeliverable for me. Dr. Neal feels that Will has probably already crossed that 5 lb 14 oz mark (which was Jackson's birth weight) so we might want to begin considering other options - i.e. a C - Section, especially since I've had absolutely no dilation. Our plan is to return next week (Thursday to be exact) and have an ultrasound to get the best approximate weight of the baby and we'll go from there. There are a lot more details (some not so pleasant) so I'll spare you all. I just ask that you pray for us that we have peace of mind and that God helps us make the best decision for Will's health and mine.
Stay tuned for more information and updates...
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