As if my life wasn't enough of a circus, we planned an outing to the "Greatest Show on Earth" - Ringling Brothers / Barnum and Bailey Circus - here in Dallas last weekend. Honestly, I think David was more excited than Jackson - he researched the show's website the night before and woke Jackson up the next morning telling him all about it. All that stuck in our little boy's head were the animals, of course. So, that was the most exciting part for him and us (just seeing him light up makes us ecstatic, who cares about the show?!). I will admit though, the clown sequences which segway between each major act were a big snooze. Jackson had no interest in them so we had to entertain him about half of the time when the clowns were on the stage; he also had no interest in the ribbon and high wire acts. But, boy, when those elephants came out he was glued to the scene. Mommy's favorite act was the trick dogs - I was even motivated to teach Maggie and Gertie a few moves we saw until I realized that wienie dogs weren't in the act and probably for a good reason. I guess our two girls will continue their lives of leisure where they get treats for doing nothing but lying around. To conclude, another first for my little man - the circus! Now we won't have to do that again for a few more years... hopefully.
You will notice the pictures above of Jackson modeling my high heel shoes - this was another first. Now, don't misunderstand me, he has played with my shoes many times before but NEVER high heels. That boy has balance and was pretty graceful teetering around on those heels. Not too worry, I've read up on this and it is completely normal for little boys to play in their mommy's shoes. And, honestly, it makes me laugh, which I need sometimes! He still loves golf more so that made his daddy feel better.
Now on to a short update on Baby Will. I'm growing daily, which means he's growing daily. I think I can actually see my belly stretching sometimes. He's into bouncing around in my uterus like it is a circular trampoline. Sometimes I can lie still and watch my belly shaking. My balance is definitely not all there - I took a spill today in a parking lot going down a few steps. I fell backwards and bruised my tailbone but, luckily, I was not holding Jackson. He was walking beside me and when I fell he looked at me like I was crazy then offered me his hand to help me up. Poor baby, there was no way his little self was going to pull this "big momma" off the ground but he was so sweet. I turned 26 weeks yesterday and feel every bit of it. 14 weeks to go!
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