One evening this past week, I encountered a scenario that could only bring to mind what my future holds with my three boys. We are always working towards a bedtime of 8:30 with Jackson but some days that is difficult. On this particular day, things seemed to be moving along well and this bedtime goal seemed within reach. We had him bathed and out of the bath tub by 8:15; as I stepped in to take my bath, David finished getting Jackson primped for bedtime (lotioned up and PJs on). I said my "goodnight" as they left the room and relaxed into my own bath. About 15 minutes later, I realized that I hadn't heard a word coming through the monitor from Jackson's room. This was odd but who knows what was going on? So, a few minutes later I hard a loud noise coming from the living room and began to realize that bedtime was not taking place as I had hoped. I pulled my huge self out of the bath room, put on my robe and headed to "see what was the matter." In a dark living room, at 9pm at night, Jackson and David were watching "Jurassic Park" - not a very relaxing nighttime movie (not that movies or tv before bed are even encouraged in our house). Jack's eyes were as wide as saucer and David was so engrossed he never noticed I had entered the room. My lovely husband then tells me that "this is a good part so I'll put Jack down in a few minutes, and besides he really likes it!". I couldn't come up with anything to say so I just carried myself back to our room (and smiled)...
Jackson has become very aware of my big baby belly - when people ask him about the baby, he pulls my shirt up, points and says, "right there." This can be a little embarassing in public places but I just go with it - it's hot anyway and the cool air on my belly feels good. He also played "hide the blanket" with his MawMaw and had a lot of fun putting the blanket under his shirt and pretending to be like Mommy with a big belly. He would pat it and tell us "baby." I just keep thinking, "if he only knew how much this baby belly is going to change his life." But, of course, he doesn't and I'm making sure he gets the most out of his last few months as a only child.
He's also doing great with his ABC's - he can sing the entire song- and counting to 10! We are always amazed at his ability to learn these things, repeat them and even have an understanding of them at his age. His favorite phrase right now is "watch this, Mom!" or "That's mine". The "watch this, Mom" comes a few second before he's jumping off of something high or moving. And "That's mine" is applied to anything and everything he thinks he wants or may ever want, even if it isn't his and never will be (for example, his daddy's phone). We are in full-on toddler mode, can't you tell?!
Finally, I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers as we go through the loss of Paw Bush. The funeral was wonderful and befitting for such a special man. My grandmother said Paw was jumping around for joy in heaven at seeing us all honor him in such special ways. I know he is a "special angel" watching over his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; he wouldn't have it any other way. I'm also glad that Jackson had a chance to know him even if it was for a short time. Four days before he died, he told David over the phone, "don't forget me." My only response was "how could we? Anyone who has ever met him can't forget him!"
Up Next: Jackson's first trip to the Ringling Bros. Circus
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