Check out that tan line...

At the splashpark...

Mommy's Island Getaway
North Captiva Island, Florida
Jackson spent his second night last night sleeping in the big boy bed - that would be the double bed and NOT his crib or a toddler bed. He is doing fantastic! I can't believe how easy the transition is going and he seems to be incredibly happy with it. The first night I laid with him until he fell asleept but last night I left while he was still awake. I told him, "mommy is going to her room now, you will sleep in here. If you need me just call my name and I'll be right here." He shook his head, said yes and watched me go with no crying, not even a whimper. He slept there all night and stayed in the bed when he awoke, until we came to get him out. This weekend we will move the bed from Will's room where we have had it for guests to Jackson's room. Jack will now have his own big boy bed with his train sheets and pillows. I can't tell you how proud, yet sad I am at this. David keeps saying, "this is really big, he is growing up." Upon hearing this, I cried and lamented the day he leaves me (which you might notice from past posts is something I worry about all the time). What will I do when the light of my life goes off to college, gets married and has kids of his own? Well, at least I have one more little boy who will give me three extra years at home before I lose them both... I know, I am such a boy mom and will probably raise momma's boys. Sorry, though, I just don't care!
I had a great time in Florida this past weekend. I attended a yoga retreat in Florida's North Captiva Island, where I spent a lot of time doing yoga, of course, resting, swimming in the pool, relaxing by the ocean, exploring the island by golf cart, reading and missing my boys. It was a nice getaway but I was glad to get back home. It was an experience that I never would have done on my own and glad I had the chance to enjoy before Will arrives. But, the whole time I just wanted Jack and David to be there with me to enjoy it.
Tuesday began my third trimester - 12 more weeks and we're there (or maybe even sooner)! I am beginning to get a little more uncomfortable with this growing belly and the continued heat with temperatures above 100 (for 23 days straight now) has been hard on me. However, Will is still doing great and growing every day. I'm thankful for that. In fact, just this week the linea negra on my stomach (vertical dark line) appeared to form a cross on my belly with a horizontal dark line on my upper stomach. There may be some scientific explanation for this but I also believe God is telling me that our little boy is blessed. I pray every night for both of my boys, especially their safety and health, so perhaps God is telling me he's got it under control!
Well, Jack and I are off to take a nap then head to the splash park....