I have a very good excuse for my extended blog hiatus - it's called moving with a 20 month old! I do feel incredibly inept for not posting anything sooner (the last post was on the 5th of Jan!) but c'est la vie (of a mother, for sure). But, we are now in the home and "comfortably unpacked" - meaning we still have boxes everywhere but we unpack more and more each day and we have our main rooms live-able. It's driving me crazy to see everything still in such disarray but I have to deal with that because it's not something that can be done overnight - or even over a week. Everything does look just wonderful though and we couldn't be more in love with the house. Even the dogs and Jackson love it! Allie is still a little skeptical about this new house but the poor cat has been moved so much she doesn't have a clue about what's going on. We've been keeping her in the garage until she becomes more acquainted with her surroundings. Jackson likes to go out and visit her but I'm not sure she enjoys it nearly as much as he does.
Jackson is now sleeping upstairs by himself while we are now downstairs - I love it more than I ever imagined. It's so much easier for all of us except when we have to come up to put him back down but it's a lot quieter for everyone through most of the night and when David gets up early in the morning. We had a few really beautiful days last week and were able to enjoy the backyard - with this current frigid weather it's too cold to even look outside! But, I know the yard will be a favorite spot for Mommy and Jackson over the coming months....
Jackson is doing so many new things it's just so hard to update on them all at once. He said "I did it" last night when he touched my belly button. So, we're talking in sentences! He answers the TV when the characters ask questions. For example, I heard him yell "Stink!" to Diego last week when they were talking about stink bugs. You should have heard him try to tell Dora "cumpleanos" this morning - it was hilarious. It's amazing how much he talks now! He also is still in love with trains and when "Thomas the Train" goes off the TV, he says "Oh man!" He plays with his trains constantly and when he hears one outside he'll say "toot toot". He also will say "uh oh" when he hears police or fire engines sirens. He had a sinus infection during the week and weekend of our move so that was rough but after being on antibiotics for 10 days, he's feeling much better. Anyway, during our visit to the doctor, they weighed him again and he was up to 21.7 lbs - which is great! We're gaining, little by little! Life is busy but we're happy and very blessed.
We hope to see everyone soon - we've got plenty of room for guests at the new place! Just book your travel in advance for a nice discount!
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