I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... Oh wait, that wasn't a dream - we got 8.5 inches of snow on Christmas Eve! The snow stayed on the ground for a few days - Mimi got to see some when she arrived on the following Sunday and it snowed again while she was here. They're saying this is the coldest winter they've had in North Texas in over ten years and the first white Christmas since 1975. All I know is that it is cold; way too cold for my delicate sensibilities.
Christmas day was wonderful for our "Little" family - Jackson loved his new train set and all the toys he got from Santa and his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Most of the toys are still in their boxes awaiting the big move next week. That leads me to my update on the house... As you can see from the picture, the landscaping was in before we had the big snow. After Christmas our new iron/glass front door arrived and they've been installing that all week. It's absolutely beautiful and really heavy! Crews are going through the house and doing all touch-up work and minor repairs. We will have our walk-through this Friday, Jan 8th, and our closing is sceduled for the 15th. Simply saying we are is excited is quite the understatement - I'm about to burst with anticipation!
Back to updates on the "Little" man. He really got excited about opening presents this year though he is still not impressed with Santa Claus. I'm sure that will happen in a couple years though. He has played with his train table every day since we got it which allows me some time to drink my coffee in the morning without listening to NickJr on the television. An unexpected present for Mommy! Ah, the little things that bring us happiness...
Mimi came for a visit after Christmas and we had a great time. Jackson was just getting used to having her around when she had to leave us - bummer... We all look forward to when he will be able to spend a couple weeks in Sulphur this summer with everyone. The time he has with all his grandparents and family is so important; This is something that is always evident after spending holidays together.
Last night, he said "agua" in the bathtub about the water; he loves saying "choo choo" when he plays with his toys; and he is now saying "Maggie" or his version of it that sounds more like "Mage." He will show you his feet, head, hands, toes, fingers, hair, mouth, teeth, nose, eyes, ears on command - he knows his anatomy thanks to daddy!
He will now go to "Kids' Camp" at the gym while I work out and doesn't cry at all when I leave. This is a huge step for us (and a giant leap for "mom"kind). He actually likes to go and play with his friends there so it has become a welcome outing for us both. I'm hoping this will be a preview of how he will be when Mother's Day Out starts this summer.
We welcome 2010 with open arms - the last year was a tough one for us. We moved to a new city, and state, and finally sold our "new" house in Baton Rouge in June; we lost my adopted mother, CC and David's father, Mr. Roy which will continue to be a struggle for us; I left my old job to begin a new one at home - and I think this one has been the hardest of all, and David started a new, challenging one as well; we built not one, but two houses over the course of the year and will have lived in four homes in two years; Jackson left babyhood behind and became a walking, talking toddler with a strong personality (that gives his Mommy fits) and a curious mind, and has always kept us moving so fast we barely know where the time went.
So, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to update the blog more often; stay tuned to see if that one sticks!
I love the picture of Jackson "reading" the instructions!