When William was trying to undertake a daunting task this morning, this little nugget of wisdom was given by his older, wiser brother, "William, everything is sometimes, always easy." I made myself a mental note to really listen to this advice from my sweet little boy. What a way to approach tricky things in life! You may see this quote on those little inspirational desk calendars one day and you will know "the rest of the story".
This past weekend we had a visit from Nana and Poppa Wreck. It was a wonderful visit and despite the yucky weather, we all had a great time. William was feeling under the weather Saturday (fitting considering the rain and cold) so I checked his ears with my trusty odoscope (thanks Mom!) and discovered he had an ear infection. Poor little guy - his first ear infection and he was miserable. I do want to say though, that despite being sick and feeling terrible, he is still so sweet and loving. I guess it's his nature to be such a little love bug (my nick name for him is "love bug" and couldn't be more fitting). So, we made our first visit to Cook's Urgent Care (lots of firsts this past weekend) and they verified my "mommy diagnosis" and sent us home with a prescription for antibiotics. We're still working on getting better but it will take a few days to clear up. In the meantime, I'm showering him with hugs, love, and cuddles which, I believe, is the very best medicine. I still long for those things from my mom when I'm sick despite being an adult mother of two! Oh goodness, I'm not even sick and now I'm longing for my mom...
William has been watching "Letter Factory" with Jackson and has picked up on about 1/2 of the letter sounds. The music goes something like this... "The A says Ah, the B says Buh, the C says Cuh and the D says Duh..." I noticed him repeating the sounds in response to the DBD with no prompting from me. I have since started practicing with him when we are not watching the DVD. It's amazing how much he can absorb and respond. I don't want to get ahead of myself but we may have a little genius on our hands!! *As an aside, this is a great DVD for children*
Jackson has embraced his role as "Bubba" to William. He's begun saying, "Come to Bubba, William" or "Come play with Bubba." I can see how proud he is when he says this. It is a title he holds very well and I think William would agree - most of the time...