All in all, it was a good report for Jackson's 2 year checkup. His stats are as follows:
Height: 34 1/2 inches (58%)
Head Circumference: 19 in (35%)
Weight: 22lbs (this was in the negative percentile)
He is developing very well cognitively, socially and in physical mobility. He even performed his golf swing for Dr. Hunt. As you can see the only thing we have to confront is his weight, or lack of. This lead us to endure a very long and exhausting visit filled with my little boy being strapped into a "pappoose" so they could drain four vials of blood from his little arm. It was so traumatic for him that not only was he crying hysterically so was Mommy. Thank goodness daddy was there but I think it shook him up a little too. They sent this precious little boy's blood to be analyzed for all types of issues including allergies, celiac disease, etc. We are also collecting a bowel sample over the next 24 hours to also be analyzed. The doctor agreed with us that Jackson most likely has an issue resulting in malabsorption (ie. celiac's disease) but could also be suffering from some type of reflux issues as well (if you recall, he had this as a baby). Both of these lead to pain when eating which is why he is so adamant about not wanting to eat. She promised these tests are a good start to understanding the problem and getting my little man on the road to gaining some much needed pounds. In addition to the blood draining, he then had to endure two vaccine shots (Hep A and Polio). I am very happy to report though that we are done with shots until he is 4! Now, in November we'll start the process over again with our new little baby but I think my nerves may be a little numb this time around so it won't be such an ordeal for me to endure. But, I must say, watching your child sob in pain is one of the most difficult things to go through especially when there is nothing you can do to help and they're looking at you with those big eyes willing you to do something...
So, at this time, we are crossing our fingers and waiting for the test results. As we find out more, I will post it for everyone. Please pray for Jackson that we figure this out and he is able to grow, eat and prosper into an even healthier, strong child.
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