Yes, you read that correctly! We are expecting another "Baby Little" the first week of November (November 8 is my exact due date). Above is a picture of the little buggar - we saw the heartbeat and everything looks good so far. I have been incredibly sick, especially at night, which has made the last few weeks miserable. The doc put me on some anti-nausea medicine and that seems to be helping some. I'll take anything I can get! I have gained two pounds already but I think that weight has gone directly to my chest. This time is so different from the first - I have a two year old to run after this time! We tell Jackson that there is a baby in mommy's belly and he rubs it. We are also doing our best to point out babies wherever we go so he will get used to the idea and understand what babies are (at this point I think he's only familiar with those in books). He will be a great big brother but I know this major transition from only child to one of two will be big and very difficult.
Updates on Jackson:
~ He will be exactly 23 months on Friday! My baby is almost 2 (sob)...
~ He is talking up a storm - in sentences no less - and repeats everything (which is dangerous). I believe he is very good at pronunciation as well. He works really hard to say things correctly.
~His eating has greatly improved and one of his new favorite foods is apples. In fact, that is something he and I both have been eating a lot of lately (they don't make me sick). Of course, he still loves cake and says it all the time (his favorites are the Little Debbie cakes but he's fond of just about any kind - just like mommy).
~Daddy finished Jackson's "envy of the neighborhood" playset over the weekend so that has kept us busy; we are also spending lots of time at the park enjoying the beautiful weather.
~Potty training - he knows about poopoo in the potty but doesn't want to sit on it himself. He does like to sit on his little blue potty but has trouble keeping his feet out of the "bucket." At this point, we are still continuing the "conversation" about going in the potty and are waiting for him to let us know when he's ready to make that big step. He obviously understands the concept so that is step 1!
I've also posted some pictures of Jackson and the "Snort" in MawMaw's backyard. Jackson was mesmerized for hours watching the machines dig the dirt, move it, etc. He and daddy even got to drive it! Every little and big boy's dream... They dug the pool on Monday and it's moving along quickly. We'll be enjoying the cool water and sunshine in no time!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I will have a glass of wine for you ;) Hope the nausea doesn't last the whole pregnancy.