I've been saying every day this week that I needed to get on here and blog about Jackson but things have stayed so busy. Sadly, I don't have any really new pictures so I'm postings some favorites that have not made it to the blog previously. We're engaged in full on party-planning mode for Jackson's first birthday this Saturday. As some of you know, we'll be having bubbles and ice cream in Harmony Park. It should be a great time but we're hoping the rain won't spoil the fun. There is a small percentage chance but around here that usually means very scattered showers. Still, we've had a drought here for the last few months and now it wants to rain everyday - as we try to have a party for Jackson! I promise to post the pictures and report on the party as soon as possible.
So, updates, hmmm, let me think... Well, most importantly we are NOT moving into the new house. Some things did not work out in the final product (i.e. the house and property) so we've decided to wait and build on a different lot in a few months. We don't feel pressured to move and want to feel 100% about the house we're buying. As I've sad before, this is a house we want to make our home for years to come. With that said, we must get as close to perfect as possible. So, we'll be in the rental a few more months but still have plenty of room for visitors. Please keep praying for us as we make this decision and deal with the "pitfalls" of buying and selling a home.
Secondly, Jackson is feeling great, though he is getting more teeth in the back of his mouth (doc thinks its his molars). He seems to be eating much better and even tried crunchy fish sticks at dinner with his friends Jackson and Kathryn last night. He also LOVES the mac and cheese from Central Market. So, we're doing our best to keep him eating as much as possible. We aren't any close to losing the bottle though. i know we have to start trying to ween him and put him on the sippy cup but he still takes his formula so much better from the bottle. And formula, gosh, we have to get him off that as well once he turns one. What a sad, scary, exciting, wonderful milestone this will be... It feels like my baby is no longer a baby and is becoming a toddler which means we're one step closer to having a teenager and that scares me to death!! I start to panic as I ponder all the things that will come with this birthday - not just the changes in eating, drinking, sleeping, but the emotional changes I must deal with. How much longer will he hug and kiss me? How much longer will he grab onto my pants leg and hold on for dear life as I walk around the kitchen? How long will be snuggle with me when I rock him to sleep? Time is such a trying thing, isn't it? I had a friend ask me today how I'm dealing with staying at home - it's been wonderful and I wouldn't go back for the world right now. I cherish every moment I have with him, especially when I think of how fast this first year has flown by and all the wonderful milestones we've had with him. I can't wait to see what the next year brings but I find myself desperately, almost to insanity, trying to hold on to the moments of his first year and not let go. Will that stop time?? I know it won't stop but my mind and heart can't help trying...
This little boy of ours has really grown. My friend also told me today that he's starting to look more and more like a little boy - you can see that from these pictures. When I put him in collared shirts, he looks even more grown up. His MawMaw pointed this out over the weekend and I have to agree! But, he's still a beautiful little baby in my eyes. That will not change. In fact, I love those insurance commercials where the kids are asking their dad to borrow the car or go out on a date and all the dad can see is their little child asking, not these grown up teenagers. Well, that's how I am now and will probably continue to be... He's always my little baby. Rhonda and I have agreed that he can date Kathryn once she's allowed to go on dates - when she's forty! Works for me so I don't have to lose him any time sooner. I'm thinking maybe an arranged marriage?? Ha, I know, I'm dreaming, right?! My mom reminds me of that when I tell her he's not allowed to date until he's 25. Oh well, a mom can dream, can't she?
He's still taking a few steps unaided and continues to stand more and more for longer lengths of time so I have a feeling we're getting closer to walking every day. but, again, isn't that just another milestone that proves he's growing up? Do I really want him to? Of course, but I'm sure I'll cry about that too. He's also sleeping later (until about 8am) and taking only one long nap a day - I'm hoping he'll keep this schedule because I love it!
Luckily I've got so much to do to get ready for this party that I won't have much time to ponder it further but I'm sure I'll be depressed (and elated) about it for the next few weeks, or even months. That's part of mommyhood! (*Please note that some of this may be repeating stuff I've said in the past so you'll have to forgive me for that. Along with my pre-baby body, I've also lost my memory and these are things that go through my mind over and over. So, just consider these my "ramblings" and forgive me for it!)
See you all there at the party and those who can't, we'll see you this summer hopefully. Can't wait to share the stories next week!