
Everything you want to know (and maybe a few things you didn't) about our life as we just try to get through one day at a time with our two boys - Jackson and Will. This is an exciting time for our "Little" family!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vomiting, PooPoo diapers, drool, runny noses...

These are the things I get to play with all day long. I feel like I am constantly cleaning up Jackson's bodily fluids. He throws up at least once a day - usually from swalling a leaf, plastic, paper, or just about anything he can get his little hands on. Now, some might say that is my fault for leaving this stuff lying around but, trust me, I try to pick things up. He must have some sonar that helps him find this stuff hidding in corners, under rugs, and the like. And the PooPoo diapers - I would love to be regular as he is! At what age can we start potty training??? I'm ready now - maybe I'll just let him run around the yard with only a t-shirt on and no diaper. Would the highclass people of Trophy Club love that!? They would kick us out of here faster than we can say "poopoo diapers." (That comment was for my mother and Lee).

He's still got a cold and that nose just won't stop running but today is our last day on the antibiotics so I'm hoping this is the end of our nemesis, the ear infection.

Here are some Jackson updates for our loyal followers: he is now eating grated cheese - we spread it on his high chair top and he plays with it and carefully puts it in his mouth (and on the floor). So, we have tried and tackled a new texture of food. Also, he is doing so GREAT with his attempt to walk. He's now only holding on with one hand and moving around. He will let go for about three seconds and once he quickly realize what he's done, he'll grab the furniture or leg quickly. Once my lovely husband gets our camcorder in working order, I plan to get this on video! Oh, and his crawl is so funny - he pushes off his left knee and looks something like a crab while doing this (again, hard to picture so will have to get this on video). He's still climbing the stairs and loving it but he has taught himself to come down - which is apparently pretty amazing that he's taught himself that and is coordinated enough to put his leg down behind him and move down. So, these are our latest in the Jackson chronicles.

Now, I must go change a smelly diaper. Until next time....

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