
Everything you want to know (and maybe a few things you didn't) about our life as we just try to get through one day at a time with our two boys - Jackson and Will. This is an exciting time for our "Little" family!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Will is One Month Old!!

Whew, we have made it through the first month. Exhaustion has completely set in and I'm feeling very much the frazzled mother. Thank goodness Jackson went back to Mother's Day Out this week - he's been quite the handful lately. Just this past weekend, I had Will sitting on the couch in his boppy and when I turned my back for a second, Jackson had covered him with pillows. Now, he was only playing hide and go seek but he doesn't understand how fragile Will can be so I took Will to the bedroom, had a good cry and let David explain to Jackson that his brother is a little young to play games right now and can't be covered with anything. This is only one example of how stressful it is to have a two year old around a baby - I wish I had eyes in the back of my head but instead I stay paranoid all day. However, the way Will is eating, he may be bigger than Jackson by his first birthday and can finally protect himself. That reminds me, my little man (Will) now has a double chin. He loves to eat!!

Because I have little time and less energy, I'll end my ramblings here and post some pictures since that is what most of you want right now any way.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 Weeks Old!

Will has made it through his first two weeks - and so have we! Upon the urging of my Auntie, I am going to be making a big change to the blog. It will have a new title - "The Little Boys". I don't plan to change the web address so it will remain jacksonlittle.blogspot.com but hopefully the new name will make it a little more "fair" to both boys. Though I would like to point out that I was a second child and things weren't always fair for me but I turned out okay, I think (maybe?). Oh well, she guilted me enough that I'm going to do it...
On that note, Auntie, Maw and Whitney visited us here last week/weekend. We had a great visit and Will got plenty of cuddling from all of them. Jackson also was doted on and made to feel very special. He, of course, loves all the attention and can't get enough of it! He especially clung to his Maw Bush who spent hours going through Christmas toy magazines with him. He also let Whitney put him to bed a few times which is amazing considering that NO ONE can do that but daddy. When they left here on Sunday heading home to "Newsyana" as Jack called it, he asked to go with them. We had to convince him to stay with mommy and daddy!

Papa Wreck and Nana are now here with us for the weekend and we're so excited to see them. Jackson will again enjoy all the cuddles, love, books, kisses, and special time.

We are thankful for all of our family...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Beautiful Baby Will

William Roy Little

Our Newest "Little" Baby Boy was born Nov. 1st at 8:35 am via C-Section. He weighed 6lbs 4oz (1/2 pound more than Jackson) and was 19.5 inches. He has a beautiful head of dark black hair which makes his mommy very, very proud. He even has dark hair on his back and arms. This will fall out but makes me feel comfortable that the dark hair isn't going anywhere. My mother said I had the same hair on my body. This further confirms my opinion that Will looks like me. Yes, I finally have a little boy that looks like me! Don't get me wrong, Jackson is the most beautiful thing in the world, but it's so exciting to carry this baby and have him come out with my features. Now our boys will be beautiful and unique in their own ways...
So far, Will is a great baby - he eats very, very well (from day 1) and often, dirties his diapers often, and has even gone 4 hours sleeping at night. He likes to have his head rubbed and looks at us so sweetly . He doesn't cry much unless he's hungry and he's very adamant about eating as soon as he wakes up. He also doesn't like to be cold and really likes being swaddled.
Jackson is smitten with his little brother but we have to keep a close eye on him so that he doesn't get too rough with Will. He's very sweet and only wants to hold him, play with him, etc. but he doesn't understand his own strength and can make us nervous. He likes to climb on the bassinet and bring Will things, talk to him, touch him, etc. He also likes to put him in the baby swing when he's not swinging on it himself (yes, this is a funny sight to see a 2 year old in a baby swing).
I'm recovering slowly but am hopeful that once I get past this week, things will get better. The recovery time is longer and harder than I thought it would be. Ahh, naivety...
We'll post more as soon as possible - time is very short these days (imagine that!).
