Jackson has a small addiction to television and he especially loves any show with music. So, of course, if I have to watch this on TV, then I would like to watch something that appeals to me as well. Hence "Mary Poppins" - besides, we are going to see the Broadway traveling show in Dallas this weekend so I wanted to brush up on my singing chops. Well, David was so amused at how entranced Jackson was watching "Mary Poppins" that he took this picture. The front angle would show Jackson's staring eyes and gaping mouth. Guess he loves it as much as I do!
Yesterday on an outing to Towne Square, Jackson found a metal grating at the doorway to "Crate and Barrel" and began trying to jump up and down (it seems he liked the sound). He really was a funny spectacle. He would bob his upper half up and down, then try to pick up his feet but it only resulted in one foot lifting. He just couldn't figure out how to get them both up at the same time. I'm sure he will get it in time but it was so funny to watch him try so hard. It seems we forget all the little things children have to learn once they enter the world, including something so simple as jumping.
I'm looking at him covered in Oreo cookie so I'm off to see if I can get this mess all cleaned up so we can go outside and enjoy this nice fall weather.
Happy Wednesday and remember "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way..."